How do country information help risk prevention?

Country information provide a first overview about the risk profile of a country. Reading the information will give you a first indication if travelling to the place is dangerous for your travellers or not. It also recommends the implementation of specific risk mitigation measures to reduce the risks for your travellers and fulfil your duty of care.

Where do the data come from?

Country and city risk layers as well as incidents are the outcome of the EXOP team’s work. All the security information is peer-reviewed by analysts. Business and corruption layers are derived from publicly available sources (e.g. World Bank etc.). The foreign ministry digest is calculated by an average of the respective country risk ratings by key foreign ministries incl. UK, US, Germany, Australia, France etc.

Is the country information up to date?

Our aim is to provide updates in real time. All content is updated automatically and in all languages as soon as key information e.g. security risk levels have been verified and changed by experienced analysts. We have no editors writing all these texts.

Can I control what content my users can see?

Users with administrator permissions can define the content each user group (traveller, manager, admin) has access to, in the admin panel. Usually, travellers have no access to duty of care recommendations, business risks and liability recommendations.

How can I change the language?

The platform’s content including all communication (email and phone calls) is available in several languages, among them French, German, English and many more depending on your company set up. Users can select their own language: They just need to go to their user profile and select the language they prefer.

Last updated